Paul Auster is an American writer that has been in my life for more than thirty years. I still remember the first of his books that I read. It was “The Music of Chance”, read in French, I must confess. I remember the feeling, the atmosphere, that I found again in his other novels… So it must have been properly translated. Paul Auster writes fiction but also nonfiction, poetry, and screenplays. I have decided for the moment to stop at the fiction. I will maybe extend my readings but I think that I would prefer to read all his fiction again before.

Novels read

Squeeze Play (1984) (written under the pseudonym of Paul Benjamin)
The New York Trilogy (1987)
   City of Glass (1985)
   Ghosts (1986)
   The Locked Room (1986)

In the Country of Last Things (1987)
Moon Palace (1989)
The Music of Chance (1990)
Auggie Wren’s Christmas Story (1990)
Leviathan (1992)
Mr. Vertigo (1994)
Timbuktu (1999)
The Book of Illusions (2002)
Oracle Night (2003)
The Brooklyn Follies (2005)
Travels in the Scriptorium (2006)
Man in the Dark (2008)
Invisible (2009)
Sunset Park (2010)
Day/Night (2013)
4 3 2 1 (2017)
Baumgartner (2023)

Novels to read 
