Pseudocide is the act of faking your own death. This podcast unravels nine unique stories where the interesting part is not how these deaths were orchestrated but why did these people have to fake their death. The first reason that comes to mind would be to disappear after doing something fraudulent, but we discover here that sometimes you have to become invisible because you fear for your life or because of love. There is the story of Kaycee Nicole, this beautiful young girl that shares online her struggle with leukaemia, always optimistic and listening to others. She suddenly dies, and this online community mourns her. But some have suspicions. Did she really exist ? Or the poor Ramon Sosa that learns that his wife is planning on having him killed and has to simulate he is dead to catch her in the act. Nine amazing stories.

“There was so much more that happened that I don’t talk about. What I do know is to talk about is that domestic abuse happens to men too, and that’s what happened to me. People are like sometimes, like “Homie, come on, you’re an ex-professional boxer, how can you let somebody do that to you” and that’s one of the reasons why I wrote a book because I want men and women to understand that it does happen to men.”

Nine episodes of approximately 45 minutes each

Episode 1. The Belrose Bomb
Episode 2. Living Colors
Episode 3. Politician, spy, deadman
Episode 4. “I’m still alive”
Episode 5. The second life of Grace Oakeshott
Episode 6. Gone Guy
Episode 7. Bad Habits
Episode 8. Gotcha !
Episode 9. The curious case of the minute’s silence
