This is a funny anecdote. Caspar Salmon remembers as a child a story told by his grandmother. She said that she had been to the inauguration of an aquarium in Anglesey. Only people with fish names had been invited and when they got there, they received, as a present, the fish that corresponded to their surname, in this case, a salmon. The journalist Charlie Lyne intrigued by the story tries to find out if this is reality or a tale told by Caspar’s grandmother. This little investigation with a voice-over narration is visually beautiful and the story so cute. Myth or truth ? Go and have a look.

“- It was a pivotal moment of the Sea Zoo. It was. It was really important because we’d invested everything we had in the Sea Zoo and we’re on a remote island. At that time, it was pre-internet, pre-mail, and we wanted to tell people about it, but we had no budget to do it. But as soon as we floated the idea, we produced a press release.
– Floated, see what you did there.
– Yep. “Calling Mr. Piranha” it said, “Officials doubt whether they’ll find a Mr. Piranha to invite but there are plenty of other fishy names in the phone book. But we had to get herring, carp, sprattling, pike, haddock, winkle, cockles, …”