George Sanders gave this speech to the students at Syracuse University. It’s an incredible graduation speech, delivered to young adults entering the “real” world. Kindness, such an essential quality… that Saunders places above “succeeding”. Kindness, “the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate”, that should be so obviously in our lives but is so often not present. You can read it and watch it because it has an extra touch of humour when read by George Saunders himself. A very poignant speech.

“What I regret most in my life are failures of kindness.
Those moments when another human being was there, in front of me, suffering, and I responded…sensibly. Reservedly. Mildly.
Or, to look at it from the other end of the telescope: Who, in your life, do you remember most fondly, with the most undeniable feelings of warmth?
Those who were kindest to you, I bet.”