Luca is a sea monster, a much-feared creature of a cute little village on the Italian Riviera. His parents have told him that he can’t go near the village or even get out of the water. However, he realises one day that when he does, he just takes a human form, that of a young boy. And like all children, to do forbidden things is so tempting. So with his friends Alberto, also a sea monster, and Giulia, a little girl from the village, he spends a summer of sun, ice cream and training for the village’s special triathlon: swimming, pasta eating and bicycle. Different obstacles get in their way, Ercole, a bully of the village, their fragile triangular relationship and the rain. But in the end, sea monsters and friendship will win. A cute film that came out the day after my Luca’s birthday.

“- What’s that ?
– Oh, it’s just the greatest thing that humans ever made… the Vespa. You just sit on it and it takes you anywhere you want to go in the whole stinking world.
– Waow, Vespa is freedom !”
