This little cartoon tells the story of a couple that sees Jackie Onassis on the street. The story is already funny because there is a little misunderstanding around this encounter, but moreover, we hear the version of the husband and then of the wife… and they don’t have the same store at all. Very cute little piece.

“Tamar is distracted. She looks over her left shoulder and she goes “haaah”. There I see across the street Jackie Onassis, President Kennedy’s wife, and she is waving very modestly at Tamar. I thought “Oh my God, I didn’t know they knew each other” and I’m looking at Tamar and Tamar is looking at Jackie Onassis and gives a very tentative wave and Jackie returning the wave waves just a little harder. I’m speechless. Now Jackie raises her hand even more excitedly and starts sort of moving it back and forth and back and forth. And Tamar now with a little bit more enthousiatic starts waving too and in that moment a cab pulls up alongside Jackie Onassis and what Jackie Onassis had actually been doing was waiting for a cab.”