Based on Roald Dahl’s novel, Mathilda is the story of a very bright little girl brought up by less-than-bright parents and a similar brother. She would like to attend school, but her parents refuse until her father puts her in a private school with a horrible headmistress. At home and school, Mathilda is daily abused. She will develop telekinetic powers, allowing her to take revenge on her abusers. She will find comfort in spending time with her teacher, Miss Honey, who will finally adopt her when her parents flee because the FBI seeks them for fraud. A cute story.

“Look, Miss Snit, a girl does not get anywhere by acting intelligent! I mean, take a look at you and me. You chose books – I chose looks. I have a nice house, a wonderful husband… and you are slaving away teaching snot-nosed children their ABCs. You want Matilda to go to college? Ha, ha, ha, ha…”
