This film follows three American brothers, Francis, Peter, and Jack, who embark on a long train journey through northern India one year after their father’s death. Their trip is filled with quirky incidents and surprising encounters. Intended as a spiritual journey, it doesn’t work out this way but will ultimately serve to reunite the siblings and ultimately lead them to their mother, who is living in a convent in the Himalayas. Funny, with splendid colours and symmetries, a very nice film.

” – Which direction did yours go?
– What do you mean?
– Your feathers… mine blew toward the mountains.
– That’s not right. It’s not supposed to get blown away. You’re supposed to blow on it, then bury it.
– I didn’t get that. I still have mine.
– You guys didn’t do it right. I asked if you read the instructions. You did it wrong… I tried my hardest. I don’t know what to do.”
