In a retro-futuristic version of the 1950s, a television host presents a documentary on the creation and production of Asteroid City, a play by a renowned playwright. In the play, an astronomy convention takes place in Asteroid City, where five teenagers are awarded prizes for their inventions. The families are there also, and it appears that part of what happens in Asteroid City is the daily life outside the play. The 1950s part is in black and white and in a 35mm frame ratio, the Asteroid City part is in widescreen and with Wes Anderson’s bright colours, yellow and blue in this film. Visually beautiful but not sure about the plot.

“In my loneliness, and perhaps because of it, I’ve learned not to judge people, to take people as I find them, not as others find them. And most of all, to give complete and unquestioning faith to the people I love.”

