Sam Shakusky and Suzy Bishop are two 12-year-olds who met a year ago and have decided to run away together, Sam from his Scout summer camp and Suzy from her home on a New England island. Everyone pursues them, intending to end their relationship; however, the other scouts decide to aid Sam and Suzy in their escape. During this pursuit around the island, a hurricane strikes, triggering yet another set of mishaps. Finally, the outcome is happy. Beautiful imagery, a charming narrative, and an exceptional film.

“- I’m sorry Walt.
– It’s not your fault… Which injuries are you apologizing for? Specifically.
– Specifically? Whichever ones still hurt.
– Half of those were self-inflicted… I hope the roof flies off, and I get sucked up into space. You’ll be better off without me.
– Stop feeling sorry for yourself.
– Why?
– We’re all they’ve got, Walt.
– That’s not enough.
