Navied and Emelie live in San Francisco. Tired of the city, they move to very rural Idaho, pursuing the dream of a free and more relaxed life. They’ll learn how to plant, chop wood, and connect with the earth. They will also meet their neighbours and learn more about their beliefs and traditions. When their baby arrives, they start asking themselves if this is the place they want to bring up their daughter. This is a beautiful read, written with great finesse and without judgment. It simply states the facts and points of view. The black-and-white illustration is equally stunning.

“It’s called “the Three Sisters”. It’s corn, squash and beans. The beans are nitrogen fixers, so they fix the soil for the other two plants. The corn grows tall and provides a natural trellis for the beans. And the squash grows all around it and provides shade to keep water and moisture underneath. They were the three main agricultural crops of Indigenous tribes in America.”