This graphic novel explores the complicated bond of friendship between Frank, a struggling artist, and Giorgio, a manipulative individual. After reconnecting, Giorgio drags Frank into a series of events that seem absurd. Frank reluctantly follows Giorgio into this chaotic world, hoping to uncover some meaning. However, he gradually realises that his friend is abusing him. The novel alternates between Frank’s internal struggles and the absurd situations Giorgio puts him in, showing how toxic relationships affect personal integrity and loyalty. The drawings are minimalist, but they are enough to convey the mood of the story. It’s frustrating, sad, and full of a witty sense of humour.

“Y’know, I always thought people saw me as the fuck-up.
Anxious loser, closeted virgin, wannabe comedian.
Mondo defence mechanisms, unemployment, self-hate, poverty, bad choices.
But privately… I was always so sure. I never doubted that I was making the right choices.
The most confident man in the world.
When did there start being consequences ?”
