Running is obviously about training, muscle building, eating correctly, and setting goals. Without some preparation, you won’t go as far as you would like to. But what if you could add something to all of these elements, what if your brain could help you go further? This is flow, a phenomenon where you are immersed in what you are doing, running in a zone that feels natural and easy. This book explains this concept of flow, how to try and find it, and how to live it while running and in your everyday life. Sounds blissful.

“At some point that day, something shifted within me,” Dorsett wrote. “All I had done for 13 hours was move forward, even when it was hard and I didn’t want to and everything hurt. And that’s what life is all about. We just have to keep moving forward, even when it’s painful. Maybe especially then. That’s the only thing we have to do. And sometimes, like on Chirripó, you end up right back where you started, but you are different when you get back there.”