Food will be a major problem these next years at several levels. The way we produce food is not sustainable. Some of our foods are running towards extinction, biodiversity is shrinking, and we are wasting tons of food at all levels. This podcast sheds light on all of these problems and suggests a few solutions. Really interesting and well put together, as was their other Unearthed podcast. This series is quite alarming and helps to understand the challenges in front of us and what we could do as people at the bottom of this food chain.

“We are losing the ability to grow food. Sixty percent of our calories come from just four plant species. Soya, rice, corn and wheat.”

Seven episodes of approximately 40 minutes each

Episode 1. We Have a Problem
Episode 2. Supermarkets, Supply and Waste
Episode 3. “The Red List” : Biodiversity Loss and Food
Episode 4. Agriculture and Livelihoods
Episode 5. Foods for the Future
Episode 6. How Should We Be Growing Food ?
Episode 7. Food, Health and Wellbeing in Daily Life
