A small poetry collection received from Shakespeare and Company from this Scottish poet. Poems about love, friendship, loss, fear of loss, death… and cats. These poems come in a variety of forms, including short, long, regular stanzas, no discernible structure, and games with the page layout. The words are beautiful, magical, dancing. I’m not sure if I fully understood everything, but I enjoyed a pleasant moment in a poetic land.

let the lilac in
having hared through the day
let me be your armchair
by the night window – unhaul,
coorie in; into this cradle
of salt & buffer inject
those wayfarer bones; douse down
the day’s flare of voices –
see the restless gritters sleep
or, better still, delete themselves;
be held, a pebble lagooned
in water’s midnight minerals;
behold moon plated in the eyes
of an owl – starlight’s lapidary scrawl
rallying the dark like hot ash caught
on spiderweb; the luminescence
graffiti-ing your slippers
& sloshed onto the chin’s timber;
hush now, as, on my lap, you begin
a dreamer’s mumble,
somnambulant lips kiss the air
until finding my skin