The Addams family is this weird macabre family, Gothic and Halloween style. There is Gomez, the father, Morticia, the mother, Wednesday, the daughter and Pugsley, the son. Some examples. Wednesday plays with Pugsley. The game is seeing how long Pugsley can stand being electrocuted on an electric chair. For Halloween, Wednesday just dresses normally because her costume is that of a homicidal maniac and “They look just like everybody else”. The story here is that Festen, Gomez’s brother, reappears after 25 years of absence. He is however bizarre, and slowly the Addams Family understands that he is under the spell of a woman who is trying to get to the Addamses’ fortune. Anyway, finally, all is well that ends well.

Gomez: Look at her. I would die for her. I would kill for her. Either way, what bliss.
[Morticia wakes up]

Gomez: Unhappy, darling?
Morticia: Oh, yes. Yes completely.
[Gomez sits]
Morticia: Gomez… Sun. Il me perce comme un poignard.
Gomez: Oh, Tish. That’s French.
Morticia: Oui.
Gomez: Cara mia.
[kisses Morticia’s hand]
Gomez: En garde, Monsieur Soleil!
Morticia: Gomez…
Gomez: Querida?
Morticia: Last night, you were unhinged. You were like some desperate howling demon. You frightened me. Do it again.
