Très beau jardin botanique. Les serres datent de 1874 et sont inscrites à la liste du patrimoine protégé. Elles sont énormes et magnifiques. Il y a un ensemble des serres dont la plus grande a cinq parties avec des ambiances différentes, palmiers, cactus, orchidées, plantes arctiques … Il y a aussi une serre aux papillons dont le plus impressionnant est le Greta oto “Glasswing butterfly” qui a les ailes transparentes. Merveilleuse nature.

“The emblematic Corps Flower, Amorphophallus titanum, was discovered in 1878 by the Italian botanist and explorer Dr. Odoardo Beccari. It is known for its piercing smell of rotting flesh and for having the world’s largest single inflorescence that can grow 10 – 12 centimetres a day when blooming. The specimen you can see in the Palm House of the Botanical Garden in Copenhagen is a gift received in 2003 from the Botanical Garden of Bonn. It bloomed for the first time in 2012 and has since then bloomed – and smelled – every second year. Last time was on 14 May 2022.” (
