Giant sea beasts have been threatening for decades the shores of Three Bridges, a town ruled by the King and the Queen. But the hunters are there to help, always on the sea killing the beasts when not killed by them. One of the most renowned boats is the Inevitable and her captain, Captain Crow. He has been chasing the Red Bluster for years and is given a last chance before being replaced by a naval vessel belonging to the King and Queen. Captain Crow is assisted by Jacob, his adopted son and Sarah Sharpe. When they are in the middle of the sea, Jacob realises that they have taken with them a little girl Maisie, that had been harassing him already in town. They catch the Red Bluster, but Maisie cuts the cords and Jacob and her are eaten by the beast. They succeed in escaping onto an island and slowly understand that Red is not an aggressive animal and that maybe the truth about these beasts is not what they have been told all their life. Cute but a little too easy and politically correct.

“I don’t know how the war started. Maybe all that matters is how it ends!”
