Mr Parkins is a professor of ontography that is leaving for the East Coast to play golf. A colleague asks him if he can go and see the ruins of a Templars church. Mr Parkins goes there and finds a whistle. At night in his room, he blows the whistle. A wind picks up and opens the window. From then on, their seems to be a presence in his room ending with this ghost trying to push him through the window. Mr Parkins is saved in extremis by his golf friend and all ends well. A classical ghost story.

“He blew tentatively and stopped suddenly, startled and yet pleased at the note he had elicited. It had a quality of infinite distance in it, and, soft as it was, he somehow felt it must be audible for miles round. It was a sound, too, that seemed to have the power (which many scents possess) of forming pictures in the brain. He saw quite clearly for a moment a vision of a wide, dark expanse at night, with a fresh wind blowing, and in the midst a lonely figure how employed, he could not tell. Perhaps he would have seen more had not the picture been broken by the sudden surge of a gust of wind against his casement, so sudden that it made him look up, just in time to see the white glint of a sea-bird’s wing somewhere outside the dark panes.”
