This book is about coping with difficult emotions. Chapters go through anger, perfectionism, despair and other feelings, giving each time examples from other people’s lives, often the authors themselves. Analysis of the emotion, helping us to understand where they come from and why they occur, with then helpful advice to overcome these emotions or at least be able to live around them. The illustrations are so accurate and really lovely. An excellent book that I will regularly go back to.

“Reader Katja’s father mentally and physically abused her as a child. Growing up, Katja did whatever she could to please him, hoping that it would spare her from his cruelty. “I spent snow days cleaning out the fridge or organizing and alphabetizing the spice rack,” she told us.
Katja carried her perfectionist beliefs into adulthood: even when she was happily married, she frequently stayed up late to make sure her kitchen counter didn’t have a speck of dirt on it. Then one day, she came across the quote “Perfectionism is a form of self-abuse.” She was floored. “That quote changed my life,” Katja told us. “I’d worked so hard to rid my life of abusive relationships, and here I was abusing myself.”
