More than a century ago, Herbert Armstrong, a solicitor from Wales, was accused of the murder of his wife, having allegedly poisoned her with arsenic. He is found guilty after a questionable trial and hanged. What has this to do with Agatha Christie ? Well, the crime could be an Agatha Christie novel. All the elements are there. So this podcast goes through all the details of Armstrong’s trial and, in parallel, through Agatha Christie’s life. It is extremely well-thought, everything sticks perfectly together and both stories are captivating to follow. A real pleasure.

“Poirot’s the most extraordinary character. In his own eyes, he’s the greatest detective in the World and will not be persuaded otherwise. He is vain, he is…, he is a pain in the butt, he is egotistic. I mean, don’t forget, it’s Poirot that said that Sherlock Holmes was very good, but you have to remember he’s only fiction.”

Eight episodes of approximately 40 minutes each

Episode 1. Murder is Easy
Episode 2. A Murder is Announced
Episode 3. The Chocolate Box
Episode 4. Appointment with death
Episode 5. Witness for the Prosecution
Episode 6. The Secret Adversary
Episode 7. Death comes as the End
Episode 8. Curtain
