A British geographer discovers in the dark forest of Brazil, a new species of bears. He talks to them about London and makes them taste marmalade. He goes back to England without a specimen of these bears and therefore gets fired from the Geographer’s Society. Years later, Paddington arrives in London after the death of his aunt and uncle and is taking in by the Brown Family that finds him in Paddington station. But Millicent, the geographer’s daughter, gets her hands on him with a strong intention to stuff him. It will take all the Brown’s courage and love to save him. This film is really lovely to look at, colourful and with beautiful transitions between scenes. And Paddington is just my childhood.

It is true. And when I first met Paddington I wanted nothing to do with him. But my wonderful wife, she opened her heart to him and so did my incredible children and now I have too. It doesn’t matter that he comes from the other side of the world or that he is a different species, or that he has a worrying marmalade habit. We love Paddington and that means he is family. And family sticks together. So if you want him, you’ll have to take us too.
