Everything starts with a brutal road rage in Edinburgh during the Fringe Festival. This event allows meeting at the same time a number of the characters involved in the story. But from there on, like a spider’s web, we meet others that will finally be linked to each other. Jackson Brodie is the pivotal person, this ex-policeman, ex-private detective, that will seem like a cold-blooded attacker and then murderer, always in the wrong place at the wrong moment during this whole mayhem. The story is really well told, unravelling the plot slowly, full of nice dark humour and insights into the thoughts and hopes of every protagonist. Loved it.

“The dead woman’s clothing was on a nearby bench waiting to be bagged and taken to forensics at Howdenhall. The bra and pants weren’t a matching set but they both displayed Matalan labels. This was why you should wear matching underwear, Louise reminded herself, not for the off-chance of a sexual encounter but for eventualities like this. The dead-on-a-fishmonger’s-slab scenario where the whole world could see that you bought your oddly matched underwear in cheap shops.”