Poems revolving around mystical beings, gods, and creatures but also around grandfathers, babies, men, around different places throughout the World and home. You can find colours, sounds and smells. This collection of poems oozes tenderness, intimacy, vulnerability and sensuality. It felt like travelling in a cloud.

my mother, my moon, myth
by moonlight, mates mirror to mirror.

her mirror: a heart, a humming chest, a heart
humming a heart, a child. my mirror: my empty

she empties into. my mine, my mind, morning, who is
the mirror’s mother? moaning i mourn a dream: my mother

in another mother’s body and me, my own mother. i build a moat,
oar to meet a mountain i mine. i myth a mess of myself. my mother

mouths a hymn masked, unmasked by a monsoon casting shadow
to shore. black hole in this smothered weather. messy, this mist,

this moisture, my spore slicking thin between firs, this sky.
mother, mud and muck, my guide! thinly veiled ghost

i try to muster and master. every night, her mirror
somewhere reflecting fire i turn to aster.
(poem for giving birth)