King George V and Queen Mary are visiting. The Crawleys and all the staff are stressed and running around like chickens. Tensions rise as the royal staff supplant the Downton staff, but also between the aristocrats over an inheritance that seems to be promised to the wrong family member. But for the staff and the family, things will smooth down. I’ve never watched a single episode of Downtown Abbey, but this is the trigger to attack all 52. The narrative blends personal and political elements, offering a nostalgic and entertaining insight into the lives of the characters and the grandeur of Downton Abbey. The dialogue is witty and delightful. I had a great time.

“- You’re plotting something. I see a Machiavellian look in your eye.
– Machiavelli is frequently underrated. He had many qualities.
– So did Caligula, not many of them charming.”
