Two hundred books in one year is a crazy number. What about experiences ? Not bad either, 213, because this year started with being at home and solitude. The year began with The Guardian’s 31-day literary diet for January, which was extraordinary. A mix of poems, podcasts, lectures, essays, interviews, films, and music, …. Very few concerts, conferences, operas and theatre plays, Covid-19 oblige. Few courses, but I must mention that I am now a 200H Kundalini Yoga Teacher and have learned to play the crystal bowls. Quite a few exhibitions through Paris and Venice and a walk at the Arboretum near Aubonne, the beginning of healing for me. Fifty-two films, lots of Tarantino, Quentin Dupieux and Miyazaki, but one so beautiful, so touching, Les garçons et Guillaume, à table ! I started listening to podcasts while doing other things so as not to get bored and I will mention Unearthed – Mysteries from an unseen world by the Royal Botanic Gardens Kew, and that’s also how I discovered the existence of these gardens. I watched only three series, but I loved them equally. Even with Covid-19, we were able to eat in seven amazing restaurants. And finally, this year I started to read the Arabian Nights with the aim of one night a day, which will therefore end on the 27th of September 2023. I have already read the first volume, and its 32 first tales, and started the second volume. A work in progress.
