The film starts and we wonder if we are looking at the first Top Gun, same music, same aircraft carrier, and same sunset sky. But it is just to get everyone in the mood. Maverick has gone on with his life, having it his way, disobeying and therefore not evolving in his career. A very difficult mission to attack a uranium plant with old F/A-18 planes has him come back to TOPGUN as an instructor. Amongst the pilots chosen for the mission is Rooster, Goose’s son, that does not hold Maverick in his heart. A few insubordinations further, Maverick is in the lead plane of the attack. All goes perfectly until Rooster is targeted by a missile and Maverick takes the shoot to protect him and his plane goes down. The film could end here and would be a banal remake… but it goes on and makes it an amazing action movie. Really excellent.

“- The end is inevitable Maverick. Your kind is heading to extinction.
– Maybe so, sir, but not today.”
