Ladybug, Brad Pitt’s character, is a hitman, returning to work after several bad luck cases. He […]
As the title suggests, this is a film about Oppenheimer’s life that follows three different storylines […]
This story follows a wealthy bachelor who learns of Imdad Khan’s extraordinary ability to see without […]
Lily is a bright young woman who just graduated from law school. She has two wonderful […]
A college student aged 17 is murdered in Nightmute, Alaska. Two homicide detectives from Los Angeles, […]
Trois acteurs livrent une version médiocre d’une pièce de théâtre nommé “Le Cocu”. Dans les spectateurs, […]
Dalton Russel et trois autres amis braquent une banque et prennent tout le personnel et les […]
Le troisième volume de Dedalus, un livre à succès, vient d’être publié. Eric Angstrom, l’éditeur, veut […]
Janis et Ana se rencontrent dans une chambre d’hôpital, toutes deux sur le point d’accoucher. Elles […]
Amanda has had enough of the city and its people. So she decides to take her […]